Thursday, April 5, 2007

Christ's Ambassadors

Portion: 2 Corinthians 5

"We are, therefore, Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making His appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God." 2 Corinthians 5:20

There is no question that we are ambassadors, it is a fact that Paul states quite emphatically. Our job as ambassadors is to reveal Christ, whom we represent, to those around us. When an ambassador goes to a foreign country, that foreign society looks at the ambassador to determine whom he represents. That is a sobering thought. The world around us is sizing up Christ, based on what they see in us! That can be a scary thought. What kind of reputation have our actions given to Christ? Each of us carries this burden with us every moment of the day. Others will look at us and determine by what they see whether Christ is worthy of another look. If we are to be worthy ambassadors of Christ, we need to keep our focus on him. We need to live our lives honestly, without complaint, showing respect and honor to others. In addition, Christ reached out to the nobodies of this world. He didn't seek out those who had great reputations, he sought out the lonely, the hurting and we need to follow his example if we are to be true ambassadors for him. By understanding who Christ was and allowing him to shine through us, we can be worthy ambassadors for Christ. We are working on Christ's behalf; this is serious business. Let us be determined to bring glory and honor to his name.

Activity For The Day - FIND YOUR WAY

Article from qwdevotions.