Passage : James 5
"Is any of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise..." James 5:13
What is our reaction when the storm clouds begin to gather and we find ourselves in trouble? James tells us we should pray. Prayer has a two-fold work in our lives. It is communion with our Father and tells him what is happening to us and lets Him know how He can help us, but it also changes our hearts. And that is the reason prayer is so vital to us as Christians. Prayer changes us. When we are in trouble and we kneel down to pray, when we give the problem over to the LORD to handle and leave it in His hands, we will experience peace, a peace that passeth all understanding. Prayer is vital for the Christian and in a mature Christian it is the first reaction to adversity. What is our reaction to happiness or joy that comes into our lives? It should be to lift our hearts in praise and adoration to God, the giver of every good and perfect gift! He is the source of all joy in our lives and when we praise him in song our very being is lifted into the heavenlies. Oh, that we might dwell there always! Someday that will be possible, but while we walk on this earth, the only way to get there is through praise! So let us give ourselves to praise daily, hourly, that we might dwell with Him in the heavenlies today.
Resource : qwchristiandevotions